Meet The Team

Karen McGuigan - Trustee

Karen McGuigan is an education consultant with a goal to improve the image and attainment levels in maths for everyone. She studied maths at a degree level as part of her Masters in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College and brings a wealth of real-life experience to her work. Originally from Northern Ireland, she lives in Surrey, England with her partner, Mike, and three sons, Dexter, Lance and Cal. She set up The Maths Mum® in 2018 with the aim of ‘Helping parents help their children’. By educating parents on how the maths curriculum was taught in schools today, she enables them to understand the correct way to engage with their children’s maths learning. Inspired by her middle son Lance, who has Down syndrome, she began the development of the Maths For Life programme in 2019. The Maths For Life programme provides a differentiated approach to the maths curriculum that lays down solid foundations, is framed in practical understanding and delivers the essential maths needed for life. It is aimed at students for whom the standard maths national curriculum structure and timescale is unattainable and, although aligned with the national curriculum content, it prioritises the ‘readiness to progress’ on the attainment of skill rather than time passing.

Karen is an active member of the Down syndrome community and believes every child should have access to the support needed to fulfil their true potential. She is a parent advocate who has represented the community and has been a parent voice for several initiatives within Surrey County Council.